Hydrocity | Ecole spéciale d’architecture de Paris
| Université de Téheran | Mairie de Téheran | Galerie Mohsem
Réhabilitation des qanats à Téhéran
La recherche de cet atelier de 10 jours s'est concentré sur le système natif d'irrigation à Téhéran, le qanat, qui est un réseau d'eau souterrain abandonné dans les années soixante, à la suite de la modernisation. Le système c'est effondré lorsque le pays a adopté les modèles occidentaux de la propriété foncière. Cette principale réforme à consisté en la suppression d'un type de la féodalité, où les agriculteurs étaient co-dépendant aux propriétaires fonciers. Le morcellement des terres a entravé sa nature collective, parce que ce type de réseau dépend de la distance physique parcourue avant que l'eau ne puissent être consulté.
“So for me it’s the story of a society, its about people who are able to mutually agree that others work in their homes, that there be wells in their homes that don’t concern them, that we’re able to upkeep them, and that beyond this notion of private property, of an iso- lated world, something is tak- ing place that doesn’t concern them. That there is a mutual ground that is established immediately. This is about a highly sophis- ticated way of being. And suddenly some- thing else is happening. When the surface’s territory is fragmented, it becomes smaller and smaller, and after a certain number of divisions the management of the network becomes impossible. This means that the underground was in- capable of gener- ating something solid enough to keep a reflection of itself on the surface. And from there on we see how the land surveys work here: everyone is within there own limit, without any consideration for what’s happening next door. It is evident on the plans you have given us. There are more or less contour lines, and topographic lines that appear, but as soon as there is construction, these lines disappear. This means that construction is erasing the very nature of the land.”.
Retrouver l'Humus de teheran.
- Ecole Spéciale d’architecture 2012
- Mairie de la Ville de Téheran